Hyper Hu

My Projects

Portfolio Website

ReactNext.jsTailwind CSSTypeScript

A personal portfolio website built with React and Next.js, which is the site you're currently viewing.

Phantom Arena


A teaching game design for NTU CSIE 2024 camp using Python and Pygame, where I participated in the game development and served as the game lead.

Course Web Form

ReactNode.jsExpressTocas UIJavaScript

A course survey form for a tutoring center, handling both front-end and back-end. It auto-generates schedules upon submission and includes a backend for staff review.

Youtube Downloader


A YouTube video downloader developed using Python and the CustomTkinter library.

Styx Discord Bot


A versatile Discord bot featuring a variety of useful functions, including management, music, mini-games, an eco system, flashcards, and more.

Polygon Infection


A meticulously crafted 2D shooter game with minimalist graphics, developed using C++ and the Allegro library. This project pays homage to the gameplay mechanics and experience of diep.io.

NTU What To Eat

ReactNext.jsTailwind CSSTypeScript

A simple yet powerful web app to help you discover the best restaurants around NTU. Filter by type, price, location, and opening hours, or let the app surprise you with a random suggestion.

Turing Quest

GameGodotPixel Art

A captivating puzzle game where logic meets programming. Solve challenges by controlling a Turing machine-inspired pointer to match grid configurations and unlock the next level.